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Life Science

Sharing the knowledge of ecology, medicine and symbiotic lifestyles for sustainable development and safeguard of the planet...

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Protecting biodiversity and the equilibrium of ecosystems, as an essential condition for human health and for Life...

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Food Security

Working for food security and fighting against malnutrition for vulnerable populations in India....

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Child Protection

Acting for childhood protection and for education, to reveal the potential of those who will build tomorrow's world...

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The Prāṇāyu orphanage pays particular attention to the psychic balance and emotional security of its little protégés. The children of Prāṇāyu will feel surrounded by maternal and paternal figures present among all the individuals of the team.

The members of Prāṇāyu, touched by the nature of the work and immersed in the fraternal and ethical atmosphere, are enthusiastic, sincere, stable, devoted and very concerned about the development of children.

The children will be part of the Prāṇāyu family, pampered by foster mothers. Each member of the team will keep in mind the values ​​of Prāṇāyu and will consider the past of the orphans with kindness and compassion.

* Affective Foods by Boris Cyrulnik
The cause of the children of Françoise Dolto
The Paths of Education Françoise Dolto
Psychoanalysis and Pediatrics by Françoise Dolto
Haptonomy. Science of Affectivity: Rediscovering Frans Veldman's Human


  1. Stability, sincerity & devotion of the team

 The Prāṇāyu orphanage team is committed to the happiness of the children. For the well-being of its small residents, it works with passion and devotion. Teachers, educators, workers, caregivers will all be committed to respecting the values ​​of Prāṇāyu: respect for the living, kindness, empathy, the constant desire to improve.


  1. Engagement of foster mothers

 To ensure the emotional stability and balance of its children, the fewest possible number will be allocated to each foster mother, from the arrival to the departure of the child.


  1. Positive Psychology, Solidarity and Cognitive Consistency

According to the latest studies of the psychological sciences, morality, cognitive constancy, and the delay of gratification have been shown to be essential factors in psychic strength and determinant for the intellectual and social success of individuals. These principles will be rigorously applied by the Prāṇāyu structure as well as by each member of its core. Children can build their personality on the exemplarity of these values ​​and its ethics.

The pedagogical team will make children aware of respect for itself and others. While taking into account the traumatic past of orphans, it will be able to awaken them, restore their self-esteem and guide them in learning life with the Other.

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"Prāṇāyu is an association humanitarian, of general interest, for the protection of biodiversity, agrodiversity, the balance of ecosystems, all practices and essential knowledge for the human health and to Life".