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Life Science

Sharing the knowledge of ecology, medicine and symbiotic lifestyles for sustainable development and safeguard of the planet...

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Protecting biodiversity and the equilibrium of ecosystems, as an essential condition for human health and for Life...

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Food Security

Working for food security and fighting against malnutrition for vulnerable populations in India....

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Child Protection

Acting for childhood protection and for education, to reveal the potential of those who will build tomorrow's world...

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It is thanks to your generosity that the Prāṇāyu seed bank and orphanage projects can be realised and help as many communities, families and orphans as possible.

As an association of general interest, Prāṇāyu can receive donations and publish a tax receipt giving the right to a tax reduction. Corresponding to 66% of the sums paid, in the limit of donations representing 20% ​​of the taxable income.

You can make a donation online, or send your cheque payable to PRĀṆĀYU at the following address: PRĀṆĀYU, 18 rue du General Gouraud, 33600 PESSAC, FRANCE.

Two ways to help us:

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"Prāṇāyu is an association humanitarian, of general interest, for the protection of biodiversity, agrodiversity, the balance of ecosystems, all practices and essential knowledge for the human health and to Life".