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Life Science

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Prāṇāyu orphanage - Education


Education is one of Prāṇāyu's central concerns.

The children of Prāṇāyu Orphanage will be armed with a broad spectrum of classical, modern and traditional knowledge to embrace life from a broad vision and to face the world with serenity, compassion, and assurance.


  1. Classics, Modern & Traditional Sciences

The educational curriculum of the Prāṇāyu orphanage meets Indian and European school standards. In addition, further learning in modern and traditional science will be offered to children.

They will learn reading, writing, humanities, life sciences, exact sciences, physico-chemical and experimental sciences ... They will also have access to manual, artistic, traditional activities.

This particularly open education will enable children to be integrated into modern society while maintaining their cultural specificity and perpetuating their heritage.


  1. Accompaniment in higher education

Prāṇāyu will not be content to accompany the child to the majority, but until his full integration into professional life. Children will be encouraged to pursue higher education and will be supported until the completion of their academic project.


  1. Cultural identity & openness to the world

In order to help rebuild their roots, Prāṇāyu emphasizes cultural, historical and linguistic education.

Children will also be supported towards their integration into cultural cosmopolitanism. Prāṇāyu will give them an education open to the world and focused on tolerance.


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"Prāṇāyu is an association humanitarian, of general interest, for the protection of biodiversity, agrodiversity, the balance of ecosystems, all practices and essential knowledge for the human health and to Life".