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Āyurveda - Release of addictions


Āyurvedic medicine causes the most durable healing, but it requires patients unfamiliar with its concepts to have a little patience...

Moreover, the great power of Āyurvedic medicine is the knowledge of the poly-factoralities and the polymorphism of the therapeutic or pathogenic schemes.

Thus, the new patients following their prescriptions simultaneously alter other paramount parameters of their cure because of a phenomenon called transfer of addictions or morbid transfer.

This phenomenon can be understood in different ways.

To illustrate it this adage can be quoted "It just cannot stop its true colours from shining through."  In short, if the idea of a purpose is chased away, it will come running back.

The expression "vicious circle" is also appropriate to illustrate the phenomenon.

Microbiologists indicate that dietary addictions are related to exotoxin secretions in the pituitary gland by pathogenic gut bacteria to dictate pathogenic food desires.

These reflex phenomena are therefore subconscious natural calls of a pathogenic instinct.

Thus, these neophyte patients take control in certain areas indicated by their physician and transfer their pent-up desires to other unimproved equivalent objects in imbalance. In other words, they compensate for their feelings of deprivation by adopting other behaviors or consumptions harmful to their health.

For these patients regular monitoring and regular doctor's checks can reverse the vicious circle and virtuous circle.

Gradually the intuition of the patients develops until reaching a paroxysm. They find more and more their gratification in the physical and psychic ease that gives them the Āyurvedic recommendations...

For certain pathologies these patients will be helped by admission to an ancestral Āyurvedic hospital.

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"Prāṇāyu is an association humanitarian, of general interest, for the protection of biodiversity, agrodiversity, the balance of ecosystems, all practices and essential knowledge for the human health and to Life".