The Svāstha project is inspired by the success of Sādhanā clinic, a non-profit organisation founded by Dr Noémie Delagrange in France in 2015. Sādhanā treats patients across France by ways of nutritherapy, and phytotherapy based on bio-agro diversity practices.
The curative results of the patients have been phenomenal in terms of speed of recovery, as well as, in efficacy for diseases progressed to advanced stages, or even geriatric diseases. The therapeutical results exceeded expectations in the cure for cancer, and for diseases that were critical, and chronic.
The secret to the success of Sādhanā clinic rests in the fact that all patients are encouraged to consume food sources and products from local farms that cultivate plants from specific ancient seeds, and adopt pure organic ancestral farming methods in most preserved environmental ecosystems.
Currently Sādhanā accounts for 300 species of nutraceutical and medicinal plants. It includes 550 regular members, 50 farmers and 5 farmer cooperatives, 6 employees, and 15 volunteers.
Encouraged by Sādhanā’s success story, Dr Noémie Delagrange and her husband Manish Vora are committed to open a medical facility in India that will replicate the model of the Sādhanā clinic.
Svāstha project’s mission is to build and maintain a medical facility in India to prevent and cure all types of diseases in a humanistic non-violent approach based on the model of Sādhanā clinic, France.
The medical facility will be located in the land acquired by Prāṇāyu in an unpolluted forested area. The building of the infrastructure has begun and will soon be accessible to all classes of population.
It will have residential facilities for only those with severe cases or who live in remote areas. Both traditional and scientific diagnosis tools for treatments will be used based on:
- Nutritherapy (or nutriphysiology) in the form of consumable and plantable items
- Phytotherapy (known in India as the “desi davā”, vanaspati vignan)
- Panchakarma
- Yoga
- Alternative therapies such as Marma chikitsa, acupressure, digitopuncture, auriculotherapy
The ingredients in the treatments will not contain meat, alcohol, or honey.
- Category: ENGLISH
- Read Time: 1 min