Material donations of second hand or no more used objects:
- cotton cloth (like old bed sheets, old towels, old napkin, old pillow cover, etc.) that we can use to stitch clothes or bags for the farmers, etc.
- blanckets of woole, cotton, flax, etc.
- cotton bags or jutte bags
- cloth (like shirts, t-shirts, trousours, sweeters, etc). of natural material like cotton, flax, hemp, whoole etc.
- tools to work on the wood, make fire cooking, like wood cisers, hammers, cutting players (i don't know all the names but all the manual basic tools...) in metal and wood
- cotton or natural fibres ropes
- suit case trolleys to carry things in metal without paint
- books like encyclopaedia, dictionaries, educational books of biology, medicine, literature, etc. (we were in the need of the 'Human Anatomy and Physiology' of Elaine N Marieb edited by Pearson Eduction )
- second hands laptop or phones (in usable condition)
- pencils (without pain), ink pen (in metal or plastic)
- glass syringes
- old metal containers, plates boxes or buckets
We have a small criteria that it should be in 100% natural material and devoid of endocrine disruptor as paint, etc. (fort metallic objects) as we are working with children and fragile wild ecosystem.
Sharing the knowledge of ecology, medicine and symbiotic lifestyles for sustainable development and safeguard of the planet...